all postcodes in HG4 / RIPON

find any address or company within the HG4 postcode district

Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG4 2AB 24 1 54.138943 -1.52541
HG4 2AE 6 0 54.139421 -1.528068
HG4 2AF 9 0 54.138186 -1.524837
HG4 2AG 22 0 54.138271 -1.525739
HG4 2AH 30 0 54.137762 -1.526678
HG4 2AJ 30 5 54.137431 -1.527049
HG4 2AL 2 2 54.138542 -1.527166
HG4 2AN 11 7 54.136882 -1.526918
HG4 2AP 13 0 54.140886 -1.530332
HG4 2AQ 25 0 54.137829 -1.525361
HG4 2AR 4 0 54.136499 -1.525499
HG4 2AT 37 15 54.13631 -1.525425
HG4 2AW 27 0 54.1372 -1.527649
HG4 2AX 23 3 54.136451 -1.526892
HG4 2AY 13 0 54.136457 -1.528545
HG4 2BD 2 2 54.13608 -1.5275
HG4 2BE 1 1 54.136164 -1.527079
HG4 2BL 1 1 54.136047 -1.524754
HG4 2BN 7 0 54.134874 -1.525992
HG4 2BP 3 3 54.13993 -1.527082